I've heard people talking (mostly online) about capsule wardrobes, and minimalist living, and KonMarie (or something like that) and I admit, I would love to do it, but I'm super skeptical about how it actually works and if these people really are pulling it off or if they're just all talk.
Over the course of the past year or so, I've been feeling really overwhelmed with clutter. Mind, we don't have a lot of stuff, but it often still feels like too much. I've been de-stashing my fabric and yarn (huge black garbage bag gone!) but still feel like I could do better with things.
I came across the idea of a capsule wardrobe. This, in the simplest of definitions, is a wardrobe of only about 30 pieces. A few pants, shirts, dresses, and layering pieces (like sweaters).
One good resource for information on this is this TEDx talk "The Ten Item Wardrobe" (thanks Sarah!).
Well, almost a year post baby, and I'm still having some body image issues. I'm actually not sure if "issues" is the right word for it. I'm adjusting still to my body and how it has changed. I think that instead of beating myself up and hating the way I look in my pre-baby clothes, I should start getting rid of them in exchange for some really great clothes that fit me now.
Another factor in this journey is that I wear a uniform for work. So I really don't need all those clothes that I never wear because I'm in uniform.
So what is my interpretation of a Capsule Wardrobe?
Right now, I am thinking of it being:
5 pairs of work appropriate pants
about 7 shirts
3 skirts
2 pairs of black leggings
3 dresses
and some sweaters
Additionally, I like to have stay at home clothes so:
2 stay at home pants
3 or 4 stay at home shirts (probably university team shirts...)
That's the tentative plan for now. I will keep blogging about it and we will see how it goes!
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