I've come up with a loose plan and 'rules' to get to my capsule wardrobe after giving a lot of thought to it, and starting. I recommend taking one baby step first, to see how you work, then move forward after making any adjustments you might need to make.
The First Step: Out with the Old
First, I've gone through about a third of my current wardrobe and have filled a big black garbage bag with clothes that no longer fit. I'm not going to hold on to them in the hopes that they will eventually fit again, because let's be realistic, I had a baby and my hips are several inches bigger than they used to be. And hip bones don't shrink.I did sell some clothes. We might do a post on that later ;)
I've would like to try a 1 in, 3 out rule, until I hit my goal number of each piece. So, since I've made one dress (sort of), I have to take out 3 dresses and either sell or Goodwill them. I already had been thinking about my dresses and I can easily move 3 out.
One thing I am trying to keep in mind is my career path. I do plan to promote up in the next few years, so I may store a couple of pieces that I can use in the future. However, I will have to pull them out every few months, try them on to make sure they still fit and look good. If they don't, out they go.
The Second Step: In with the new
The rest of my plan is to start making new clothes for me.Why am I making most of them? Because I know if I make them they will fit. I can take my time and practice so I get a good look for me. This is going to slow down the overall process, but I will feel good about Every Single Piece of my wardrobe.
I did keep a few tops, most of my pjs, some scarves, and pants. As I make more items, some of these will have to move out, but hopefully I will be confident enough in my new stuff to happily let them go.
To be honest, I don't have a specific end number in mind right now for anything but pants. (Which you will hear about in next week's post.) So, until I promote up and no longer have to wear a uniform, I'm not sure how bit my wardrobe will actually be. I do know I want it to be smaller than it currently is by quite a bit, I just don't know specifics yet.
Thanks for visiting!
If you are wanting to start a capsule wardrobe, or making more of your clothes, let me know how it's going! I love questions, so if you have any about either process, ASK, and I will try to answer.
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