Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A bit about Me

1.       I’m really really close to graduating university in Early Childhood Development and Family and Community Services.
2.       I used to be a costume design major.
3.       If you can wear it, I can make it. (With the exception of shoes, but let’s be honest, I’d probably try to make them if you asked me to.)
4.       Given the time, I can read a book a day.
5.       I’ve taken care of other people’s kids professionally  for 8 years.
6.       15 if you count babysitting.
7.       I am obsessed with knitting websites.
8.       I told my dad the only way I would get an iPhone was if I could get a “Psych” cover for it. It arrived today.
9.       My Bucket List consists of Three Items. (We can talk about this one later)
10.   I have been ghost hunting. I got totally freaked out.

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