Well, my lovelies. It's September.
I didn't realize that August had ended and that the Finished Object post had posted. With only one little sweater on it. I had high hopes for August.
Of course, trying to wrangle unpacking in a new, smaller apartment threw me for a loop. Add to that the whole not working a 9-5 anymore and being in charge of my own schedule. Which turned super ridiculously crazy for more than one reason the last two weeks or so of August.
But now, it's September. The official start of Fall is coming up and as well all know, Fall is (or should be) the beginning of Sweater Season and Hot Chocolate. I've got a sweater on the needles and will be casting on for another one shortly. If the weather ever decides to cool off here, I'll pull out my winter clothes, which mostly consists of sweaters and a few long sleeve tees, and pack away all the shorts and sandals.
However, the majority of my time in the next few weeks will be spent trying to finish as much of a custom order as I possibly can. 11 Christmas stockings. I've got three done now, with the fourth on the needles.

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